Sunday, August 20, 2006

Anti-Falun Gong Communist propaganda hits cities in Canada

A rash of hate-incitement communist propaganda against Falun Gong made its way to major cities across Canada on August 18 and 19. Tens of thousands of copies of a 32-page special edition of Hua Qiao Shibao were distributed to Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver and Richmond. Hua Qia Shibao is administered by none other than Montreal’s La Presse Chinoise.

This is not the first time that La Presse Chinoise prints defamatory material against Falun Gong. In fact this all started in November 2001. Shortly after, practitioners took action in December 2001, and sued the newspaper for “defamation” in the Superior Court of Quebec in Montreal. But this didn’t keep La Presse Chinoise from printing more massive filty material on Falun Gong thereby violating the court injunction. To make a long story short, as a result, the petitioners sued the newspaper for “contempt of court” which is still pending. Meanwhile the “defamation” lawsuit was dismissed in the superior court in 2005 and the practitioners have appealed this decision since then.

This editorial, mostly in Chinese language with 8 pages in English, is full of fabricated stories from distorting the teachings to name calling and portraying the practitioners as weird and insane self-immolators. Furthermore, it classifies the Kilgour-Matas’ response to a report from the Chinese Embassy criticizing the KM report on allegations of organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China, as “illegal and interfering with Chinese government internal affairs”. The special editorial states: “I hope people can understand that the Chinese Embassy in Canada is not supposed to and cannot interfere with this Canadian internal issue.”

The mere fact that this special edition appeared in many outlets on the West Coast, for free, on the very same day it was issued in the East, is enough to raise eyebrows--because it is after all a local East-coast paper.

The practitioners have immediately contacted their local police departments to have what is considered 'a serious well organized hate crime' further investigated.

It is worth mentioning that in February 2004, the Ontario Superior Court convicted Pan Xinchun, the Deputy Consul General of China in Toronto, of libel. Here’s the story via Now Toronto.

“Take the recent strange case of Joel Chipkar and the disappearing deputy consul general. A Toronto real estate agent and Falun Gong spokesperson, Chipkar had written a letter to the Toronto Star challenging the Canadian government to publicly out China for its human rights abuses. Pan Xinchun, the former Chinese deputy consul general here, responded in the same paper, labelling Chipkar a "sinister cult" member out to "instigate hatred" and "confrontations between China and Canada."

Chipkar got a lawyer and launched a defamation suit against Pan, which he eventually won. In December of last year, a judge awarded Chipkar $11,000, but Pan has since skipped town. Efforts by Chipkar to have him declared "persona non grata" by the Canadian government have apparently disappeared into the bureaucratic ether in Ottawa while government lawyers "formulate a legal opinion," says a Department of Foreign Affairs spokesperson.

"I've been left on my own by the Canadian government," says Chipkar.”

More on hate propaganda

The second response by Kilgour-Matas (to the Chinese Embassy) called the embassy's reply a mere attack on Falun Gong. It demonstrates how a vital tactic of the CCP's hate propaganda campaign is used against Falun's an excerpt:

17. The second China response is primarily an elaboration on the "evil cult" attack on Falun Gong. The second response has eight paragraphs. Only three deal with organ harvesting. One talks about Canadian-Chinese relations. Four paragraphs, the bulk of the response, are a venomous attack on Falun Gong replete with false, slanderous allegations.

It is this sort of slander which, in China, depersonalizes and dehumanizes the Falun Gong and makes possible the violation of their basic human rights. Indeed, the fact that the Government of China would make a hate filled attack on Falun Gong the focus of their response to our report reinforces the analysis of the report.

The propaganda against the Falun Gong in these two responses is a form of incitement to hatred, unacceptable in Canada. It is an abuse of their diplomatic presence in Canada for China to engage in this form of incitement. (full report)

Self-immolation; False Fire

Here is more about the self-immolation incident staged by the Chinese Communist Party on Jan. 23, 2001. This incident was key in defaming Falun Gong throughout the world. After verification, the IED called it a hoax.

Watch the False Fire video here.

Key points: China’s violent assault on Falun Gong practitioners is “State Terrorism”; the supposed self-immolation incident “was staged by the government”.

International Education Development*

Statement in the United Nations (and now part of UN’s official records)

Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights

Fifty-third session, Agenda item 6

August, 2001

International Education Development has followed the topic of terrorism and human rights for many years and we welcomed the appointment of the Sub-Commission's Special Rapporteur Mme. Koufa in 1996. ... We strongly agree with the Special Rapporteur that State terrorism in the form of government terror against its own people -- what she calls "terrorism from above" -- produces far more gross violations of human rights than any other form of terrorism. ...When a regime resorts to State terrorism, the international community can expect to be overwhelmed with cases under the international mechanisms and swamped with persons seeking asylum from that regime. Such is the case in China with the regime's violent assault on practitioners of Falun Gong.

In our statement under item 3 we described the Falun Gong Practice as we have found it to be. The government, in exercise of the right to reply, attempted to justify its State terrorism against the group by calling it an “evil cult" that has caused deaths and the break-up of families. In our investigation, the only deaths have been at the hands of the Chinese authorities; families have been broken up because family members have been killed by the regime; people have been broken down, not by Falun Gong, but by extreme torture, incarceration in mental hospitals with brutal treatment, hard labour in labour camps and other such practices. As was reported in the International Herald Tribune on August 6, 2001, the regime admits that it has officially sanctioned violence against practitioners in order to wipe out Falun Gong. The regime points to a supposed self-immolation incident in Tiananmen Square on January 23, 2001 as proof that Falun Gong is an "evil cult”. However, we have obtained a video of that incident that in our view proves that this event was staged by the government. We have copies of that video available for distribution.

In his most recent report (U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/2001/66), the Commission's Special Rapporteur on Torture attests to tens of thousands detained and tortured practitioners. (Paras. 246-290). The Commission's Special Rapporteurs on Violence against Women and Extrajudicial Executions also attest to these abuses, with similar indications as to numbers. (E/CN.4/2001/73/Add.1, para. 19; E/CN.4/2001/[ ]). We are compiling evidence indicating that at least 50,000 Falun Gong practitioners are detained in prisons, labour camps or mental hospitals, of which thousands are beaten and many tortured to death. Hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) of practitioners are severely threatened. The UN mechanisms clearly cannot handle this volume of verified cases, nor can the international community easily cope with perhaps millions of asylum seekers -- all of whom would clearly meet asylum criteria. Accordingly, the international community as a whole and the Sub-Commission in particular should address this situation of State terrorism as one of extreme urgency. [...] The end.

*International Education Development is a California-based human rights organization.

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