Thursday, March 01, 2007

CRTC finds Chinese channel incites hate then allows it to air in Canada

Speech given by Brian McAdam

Director China Insight Research Society (CIRS)

at the Rally to Request Government to Overturn CRTC Decision,

on Parliament Hill, Ottawa,

February 21, 2007

Cultural Entertainment or Propaganda?

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) - responsible for the deaths of more people than Hitler or Stalin combined: an estimated 47-75 million people and carries out human rights abuses such as forced abortions, religious and political repression, selling prisoner’s organs, mass executions, torture, and genocide - was given permission last month by the Canadian Radio and Television Committee (CRTC) to broadcast nine TV channels into Canada - it says “to inform, enlighten, and entertain its audience.”

Most of the ethnic Chinese in Canada fled the Communist regime in wave after wave of immigration. Now the expectation is that those who fled this heinous regime will welcome “cultural entertainment” from the same regime that imprisoned or slaughtered their family and friends.

China's application to broadcast nine TV channels into Canada should never be thought of as a normal cultural and educational addition to the Canadian mosaic. It is a ploy by a cunning, murderous regime to expand its global influence. (more)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:40 PM

    It can't be any worse than Fox.
