Sunday, March 18, 2007

Radio Station Beaming News About Falun Gong Persecution to China

Minghui radio station is on duy 24/7 now to educate Asia about the Persecution of Falun Gong --they deserve to hear the truth about the CCP's evil deeds.

Epoch Times: Mar 17, 2007 - A Tibetan girl listens to a radio at her home in Lhasa, Tibetan Autonomous Region, China. Minghui Radio Station has been broadcasting programs 24 hours a day to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to Asia. announced that since March 5, 2007, Minghui (which means "clear wisdom" in English) Radio Station has been broadcasting programs 24 hours a day to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to Asia. These broadcasts are being directed primarily towards China and Taiwan via the Eutelsat W5 satellite.

Broadcast 24 hrs a Day Via Eutelsat W5 Satellite

According to Kevin, one of the program producers for Minghui Radio, the station was founded in November 2005. Like, Minghui Radio is a station that clarifies the truth about Falun Gong. Currently there are dozens of programs in its lineup. It was originally broadcast to China via short wave radio, but now, along with New Tang Dynasty TV, Sound of Hope, Voice of America, and Free Asia Radio Stations, Minghui Radio uses the Eutelsat W5 satellite to broadcast 24 hours a day throughout Asia, including mainland China.

Kevin went on to say that the Minghui websites' reader base is be broken down into three different primary groups. They are Falun Gong practitioners, folks from all walks of life, and those who have participated in the persecution of Falun Gong. Minghui Radio takes this into consideration when preparing programs so as to appeal to all three of these groups.

Program Content

Kevin explained that since 1999, the Chinese communist regime has persecuted Falun Gong. Because of this persecution, a large number of Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China lost their free environment of group study, group practice and experience sharing. In response to this, Minghui Radio developed programs such as "Group Practice Time," "Minghui Briefs," and "Cultivation World" so that Falun Gong practitioners are able to obtain current information regarding the situation surrounding truth clarification [of the persecution] and experience sharing via the Internet and/or radio.

Kevin also noted that Minghui Radio has been producing such programs as "Minghui Briefs," "Minghui Comments," "Celestial Music," "News Focus," "Traditional Culture," and "Science World." He said all of the songs broadcast in the "Celestial Music" program were composed by Falun Gong practitioners after 1999.

For those people who have committed crimes against Falun Gong, creates columns such as "News Focus" and "Goodness and Evil Between One Thought." Kevin said that after those people who have wronged Falun Gong practitioners listen to these programs, they will have received fair warning. Some already know that they have been exposed by Minghui, and as a result they no longer dare to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Others changed their minds after coming to understand that "goodness will be rewarded and evil will be punished" and no longer participate in the persecution.

How to Listen to Minghui Radio

Kevin said that Minghui Radio currently covers mainland China extensively. The majority of regions located south of Liaoning Province, east of Gansu Province can receive the Minghui signal via 60-90 cm plate antennas (also called little-ear, plate or pot). The signal is not encrypted, and even the most common receiver can receive it. For those who can already receive signals from W5 satellite, after a re-scan of the signal is performed, Minghui Radio can be found.

The parameters for receiving Minghui Radio Station from W5 Satellite (E70.5 degrees) are:

Position£ÂșE70.5 degrees, Downlink frequency: 11334 MHz, Polarity: Vertical, FEC: ½, Symbol Rate: 6511, Kevin pointed out that the advantage of satellite radio is that the signal is difficult to block. The Chinese communist regime is, for the most part, unable to block, interfere, or monitor it, and it is therefore, more secure.

On top of this, Minghui Radio still employs two SW frequencies for broadcasting to mainland China, twice a day, one hour a piece. These two frequencies are: Beijing Time, 6-7a.m. every morning, 7105 KH; and 9-10p.m. every night, 6030 KH.

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