Monday, April 30, 2007

India: Interview with Kilgour and Matas

The two Davids are tirelessly pursuing their mission hoping to gain some support from the international community to stop the organ harvesting genocide against Falun Gong in China. The response has been good but the challenge must be phenomenal. India should stop arming Burmese military junta

(Interview with Former Canadian Secretary of State David Kilgour and Canadian refugee, immigration and human Rights lawyer David Matas.)

Compiled by Mungpi
Mizzima News (


April 29, 2007- Former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific (2002-2003), Hon. David Kilgour, and Canadian refugee, immigration and human Rights lawyer David Matas, who is also a member of the Canadian Bar Association, visited India to raise the issue of the Chinese government's continued executions on the Falun Gong Practitioners for their organs.

The two dignitaries had widely traveled across the world covering more than 30 countries to put a stop to the ongoing dreadful practice of the Chinese government to Falun Gong Practitioners.

During their trip to India, the two dignitaries, who are also prominent supporters of democratic changes in Burma, met a number of Indian leaders and raised the issue of India's relationship with Burma.

Kilgour said India being the largest democratic country in the world and an immediate neighbour of Burma, should concern itself at the deteriorating political scenario in Burma. He said, India, in view of its long term interest, should stop arming the Burmese junta but take a stronger and tougher stand in support of democratic changes in Burma.

During their few days stay in New Delhi, they met Burmese reporters including Mizzima's Assistant Editor Mungpi, and talked about their views on India's stand towards Burma.

What has brought you to India?

Kilgour: David Matas and I filed a report and we have now done a revised report on the terrible practice of taking organs from Falun Gong Practitioners in China.

By our best estimate, about 41,500 transplants, that is kidneys, livers and so on, that were done over five years of persecution of Falun Gong, cannot be explained by executed criminals, the brain-dead, accident victims or by donated organs. So, we are not saying that these 41,000 Falun Gong practitioners have been killed for their organs, because you can take more than one organ from a person, but many thousands of Falun Gong Practitioners have been treated in what we call a new form of inhumanity against human kind and crime against humanity.

And the reason we have travelled to India is, we are trying to get the government of China to stop doing this, to stop doing it now. Not just before the Olympic Games. We know they are going to stop before the games, but they have got to stop it now because people are dying, probably, every day.

And what people don't understand is, if you are a criminal and you said you committed a murder or something or people say I need a kidney or I am going to die, so I will go and get a kidney from an executed murderer, but for one thing, I think there are sixty eight offences that you can get capital punishment in China. So, we think that people in India or any where know that many of the people that are being killed for their organs are Falun Gong Practitioners, who are never been before a court, they have never been convicted of anything, they are simply sent to a work camp, where they work as forced labour, making part of exports, by the way. They are tested medically every three months to see how their organs are and then some body comes from New Delhi or Ottawa or Winnipeg, and there is a computer match and the computer match says that Ms. so and so in the camp over here got a match-able organ and then she dies, she is killed medically with out conviction of nothing, and she dies and her organs are taken and this terrible practice continues. I don't think any other nation on earth has ever done it, but it is simply unimaginable this could be happening in the twenty first century.

Mattas: Well, I mean your question is right over here and what we are trying to do here is what we have been doing in different countries around the world. We have been, the two of us, to over thirty countries now and what we are trying to do is mobilize concern, trying to get the practice to stop by trying to create awareness among people of the practice. We are meeting with media, with academics, with parliamentarians, with civil servants, with medical professionals, and we are trying to get all these various sectors and civil societies engaged in raising the issue. (more)

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