Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Chinese Embassy Tried to Silence TV Network in Canada, Leaked Document Shows

Jiyan Zhang has come up with sensitive documents from the Embassy revealing the meddling of the Chinese Embassy with Canadian affairs, namely blocking the NTDTV's application process to access the cable network in Canada.

The Ottawa Citizen and Epoch Times' Jason Loftus has the scoop. Chen recommended "negotiating" with Canadian government institutions as well as writing to the CRTC and others.

Mr. Huang Huikang, second in command at the Chinese embassy, added to Chen's report on March 18:

"It is still possible for us to knock down NTDTV's attempt to enter the cable television network. We should reinforce the strength of our work. The [embassy's] culture section and the political section need to study the plans for the next phase."

David Harris, a former director of strategic planning for Canada's spy agency, CSIS, says that while many foreign governments try to push their agenda in host countries, there's an issue of scale. Harris is now a senior fellow for national security at the Canadian Coalition for Democracies.

"[It involves] interference by a foreign government in commerce and involves the overarching issue of manipulation in political and governmental process," he says. "It wouldn't pass the smell test."

"It is not appropriate for a foreign government to be involved to this extent ... in trying to mold government decisions," Harris says, adding, "China in my view is not simply another government. It is an adversarial, dictatorial regime. That is not the kind of regime that you want to have calling the shots, even [influencing] national policy." (more)

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