Monday, April 23, 2007

Why does Sudan's peace lumber an uphill track

Peter Lokarlo Marsu is right on the mark when it comes to the China-Darfur connection and more.

Sudan Tribune
Monday 23 April 2007 02:59.- Khartoum is persistently sounding a high-pitched clarion call and warning Beijing that China's interests in Sudan would be compromised, if the NCP were out of business as a result of UN or Washington's unilateral punitive action against the Sudanese government, and that China would definitely forfeit its multi-million investment in Sudan for failing to back up Khartoum's cataclysmic policies. Such warnings have made china to turn a blind eye to Khartoum's appalling Human Rights dossier that also perfectly matches China's own horrendous records.

What could be more disgusting and outrageous than executing hundreds of prisoners in Chinese jails and harvesting their organs for sale? This is forlornly a standard practice in China and highly lucrative business managed by the government in the country. The Falun Gong followers have taken a heavier toll since 1999 for what Beijing termed '¡llegal activities' a cryptic reference to the group's inexorable spiritual beliefs, commitment and practices. The Tibetan spiritual leader the DALAI LAMA is banished from China for his beliefs. Beijing does not condone ideological aberration and any sort of religious worshipping is abhorred and could attract severe penalties. It is easy to see why Beijing is not alarmed by the genocide that occurred in Darfur. (more)

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