Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Former Communist Party Secretary Genral Opposed Persecution of Falun Gong, Says Friend

An interview with Zong Fengming—close friend to Zhao Ziyang

By Li Zhen
Nov 30, 2007

88-year-old Zong Fengming, close friend of former Secretary General of Chinese Communist Party Zhao Ziyang. (The Epoch Times)
88-year-old Zong Fengming, close friend of former Secretary General of Chinese Communist Party Zhao Ziyang. (The Epoch Times)

Zong Fengming, an 88-year-old Qigong master and close friend of former Chinese Communist Party Secretary General Zhao Ziyang is well known for his book Zhao Ziyang: Captive Conversation." The book records over one hundred conversations between Zong and Zhao during Zhao's 16 years of house arrest. During that period Zong was the only non-relative allowed to have contact with Zhao and heal his illness with Qigong.

In a recent interview with The Epoch Times , Zong highly praised an open letter published about one month ago by Wang Zhaojun, a standing committee member from the Anhui Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference. Zong agrees with Wang that the one party dictatorship is at the core of China's problems. He also praised Wang as the warrior and hope of China for publicly calling an end to the persecution of Falun Gong and bring justice to the responsible criminals. Zong also disclosed that Zhao Ziyang had expressed his opposition to the persecution of Falun Gong.

Following is a record of the interview:

Reporter: Which part of the letter (Wang's open letter) impressed you the most?

Zong: The fundamental problem in China is the one party dictatorship. Wang's view is the same as Zhao Ziyang's. This is a key issue in China.

Reporter: How can we get rid of the one party dictatorship?

Zong: The one party dictatorship needs some force to change it. Currently, the communist control is very tight, exceeding any period in the history. This is very rare.

Reporter: In his letter, Wang brought up the topic of redress for Falun Gong and prosecuting the criminals, what is your opinion?

Zong: I think that is very necessary, [the communist regime] adopted an elimination policy of religious groups and grassroots organizations. This is very rare in the world. This is a blood debt; the persecution of Falun Gong is too cruel.

Reporter: How did you learn about the persecution of Falun Gong?

Zong: I read some reports on the Internet and I also witnessed the regime's control of Falun Gong; it never relied on evidence, very cruel. I also heard about the organ harvesting. I hope this could be investigated and the results would be released to the public.

Reporter: How did Mr. Zhao Ziyang view the persecution of Falun Gong?

Zong: He said it is a religious issue; the Chinese Communist Party should not and cannot adopt a crackdown policy.

Reporter: He was also against the persecution by Jiang Zemin?

Zong: He said that it was a big issue that had rarely been seen before.

Reporter: In his letter, Wang call for more people like Yeltsin to stand up in China. Do you think people like Yeltsin will come out in China?

Zong: In the past, people like Zhao Ziyang and Hu Yaobang emerged in China; both are historical figures, they wanted to lead China to democratic politics. Zhao wanted to push for China's political reform, transform China into a democratic country that is ruled by law. This is a historical trend. Unfortunately, it was suppressed in China, and it is the sorrow of Chinese people.

Reporter: Do you think Zhao is China's Yeltsin?

Zong: Similar, but Zhao Ziyang was not as outstanding as Yeltsin. But he approves of Yeltsin, Gorbachev and also approves of Chiang Ching-kuo in Taiwan.

Reporter: Wang Zhaojun calls for a color revolution and some other scholars called for the "Tell the Truth Movement." What's your view?

Zong: I hope democratic activists could act together; be unified as a force of justice. This is not just my hope; it is many people's wish.

Currently, there are people with enough courage to tell the truth, like Wang Zhaojun. To speak out publicly, this kind of force has surfaced in China. But because of the tight control, the number of people who stand up is still small. The Chinese communist regime does not want to see any organization emerge. It did not even approve a funeral ceremony for Bao Zunxing [1]. We just want to hold a funeral ceremony, to meet and express our sorrow but such a gathering was not approved. Some elderly party cadres want to form an association and that request was also denied. The control is very tight. It is difficult to get some space.

In the interview, Zong also said that Chinese people are all looking for change. Now the communist regime has made China a privileged capitalist society. Farmers, as the majority people in China have paid so much, but get no financial assistance from the government and have no right to form their own organization. They have made the biggest contribution to China's economic development, but they have been deprived of their rights; they are slaves.

Zong also said that although the control in China is very tight, it is difficult for people to organize together. He is, however, confident that no one could block the historical trend—China will definitely move toward a democratic and free society.

[1] Bao Zunxing is a democratic activist in China.

Click here to read the original article in Chinese

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