Friday, May 16, 2008

Crackdown on Falun Gong intensifies ahead of the Olympics

Crackdown on Falun Gong intensifies ahead of the Olympics

Vancouver practitioners appeal for the rescue of relatives recently arrested in Quangzhou

MWC: Vancouver - The Falun Dafa Association is calling a press conference on May 16 at
12 pm at the Art Gallery (Robson Plaza) and will march to the Chinese Consulate at
3338 Granville to appeal for the release of two Falun Gong practitioners, namely Suming Gao and Qinming Gao. Over a dozen policemen who broke into their home in the early morning of April 15 in Guangzhou, China leaving behind an 83-year-old father at home alone kidnapped the two practitioners. Both practitioners are the elder sisters of Vancouver Falun Gong practitioner Qiaoming Gao.

Apparently officials from the 610 office searched their house and confiscated private property including their computers. The police, who claimed that they did so to prevent the sisters from interfering the Beijing Olympics, also removed their computers at their work place. It was reported that about 30 Falun Gong practitioners were arrested at the same time.

This wave of repression is part of the pre-Olympic white wash, which has seen nearly 2000 practitioners arrested since January 1, 2008.

The Falun Dafa Association calls on the Canadian government to urgently rescue Suming Gao and Qinming Gao and to urge the Chinese regime to stop its brutal persecution of Falun Gong now in its ninth year.

“It is unconscionable that a country that is hosting the Summer Olympics behaves without any scruples 3 months before the Games,” said Sue Zhang, spokesperson for the Association. The Olympic Charter, which is founded on human dignity, must be respected by Beijing instead of using the Olympics as an excuse to persecute Falun Gong practitioners and other repressed groups.”

Vancouver Falun Gong practitioners have maintained an around the clock vigil in front of the Chinese Consulate on Granville since 2001 to call for an end to the persecution.

Falun Dafa Association – BC Chapter
For more information:

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