Sunday, May 20, 2012

Events in China Outpacing Canadian MPs, Says Anders

Conservative MP Rob Anders is concerned that very few Members of Parliament seem to really understand the significance of events unfolding in China today or the true nature of the Chinese regime.
[...]“They (MPs) are people that go on five-star trips and get wined and dined and what have you,” he said.
“I think a lot of people get bought into the checkbook diplomacy. I think that China is very good at taking people over to China and Shanghai and giving them a stay at a five-star hotel, and introducing them to people that speak excellent English and take them out for a night on the town, and stroke their egos and offer them business deals.”

The problem is a lot of our people are naïve. MP Rob Anders.

Some MPs The Epoch Times has spoken to have been uncomfortable talking about the unfolding events on the record; but few seem to have followed events closely. Some MPs who are closely involved in China seem relatively unaware of the abuses by the regime.

“The problem is a lot of our people are naive,” said Anders.

MPs offered great business deals that keep paying after they put up a bit of money don’t see themselves as bought, said Anders. Other officials approached by a woman a third their age don’t want to recognize that they are being offered favours, he said.

“They don’t want to see that for what it is. … They’re too proud to admit that they’ve been taken.”
[...] “But when you judge the regime and what it has done, in terms of taking over other people’s territory, or in terms of gun boat diplomacy against their neighbours, or in terms of exporting revolution-like Maoist rebels to Nepal, or in terms of harvesting the organs of Falun Gong practitioners, or having the largest number of political executions in the world, and its massive system of jails and forced labour—that’s how the regime has to be judged."

“That is the best way to judge the regime—by their actions, not by the words of the leaders in one-on-one meetings.”

Subtle Seduction...

More: The Epoch Times

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