Wednesday, September 05, 2012

China’s Organ Trafficking Crackdown Increases Forced Organ Harvesting

On Feb. 23 in Dongguan City in southern China’s Guangdong Province a Mr. Shu showed up at the local hospital with a tall tale. He told a doctor in the emergency room that he had awakened in his hotel room, found one kidney missing, and 20,000 yuan ...

In early August China’s state-run media reported that since April police had arrested 28 groups engaged in organ trafficking in 18 provinces.

David Matas is the co-author (with David Kilgour) of Bloody Harvest: the killing of Falun Gong for their organs, the groundbreaking investigation into the atrocity of forced, live organ harvesting in China. He says the current crackdown on organ trafficking should not be confused with any suppression of forced, live organ harvesting, which continues.

“The current [Chinese] law allows for living donor sourcing from relatives,” Matas wrote in an email. “There has been fraud in the use of this exception, which the authorities have been trying to control.”

Political commentator Zhang Tianliang told New Tang Dynasty TV that China transplants tens of thousands of organs a year, and that hospitals have to rely on a large bank of organs, not a few dozen criminal gangs, for such a large volume.

“The donor and the organ have to match,” Zhang said. “No hospital can guarantee this match. This means that any hospital that does a large amount of transplantation must have a systematic donor source.”

Investigators who have analyzed China’s organ transplantation believe that the great majority of organs come from detained Falun Gong practitioners, who are killed in the process of having their organs removed.

More: Epoch Times

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