Sunday, August 15, 2010


Taking the opportunity of the TTS Congress Amnesty International published the Amnesty call explicitly addresses leaders from pharmaceutical companies at the Vancouver congress saying:

"On 15-19 August 2010, leaders from pharmaceutical companies will join experts from around the world to participate in the XXIII International Congress of the Transplantation Society. Amnesty International is taking the opportunity of this Congress to call on pharmaceutical companies to collectively:

* declare their commitment to respecting human rights;
* condemn the practice of sourcing organs from executed prisoners; and
* undertake to carry out human rights due diligence, including throughout their value chains, so as to become aware of, prevent and address adverse human rights impacts, and to ensure that they do not directly or indirectly assist, encourage or support the sourcing of organs from executed prisoners." Read more here and here

David Matas, Author of 'Bloody Harvest: the Killing of Falun Gong for their organs who will speak at the Congress on Ending the abuse of organ transplantation in China said: “In fact my research on this matter led me to conclude that prisoners of the spiritual movement Falun Gong were the subject of having their organs taken without their consent and sometimes at the cost of their lives.
I’m involved in this as an activist who speaks up for human rights issues. It is the doctors and hospitals in China conducting these organ harvestings, noting that the government is not innocent in the matter. In China, without government sanctioning, nothing can happen. The solution is for this to stop. People must campaign against it publicly and speak on the issue, then getting extra territorial legislation on organ transplanting.”

DAFOH is also adding in its appeal to research and pharmaceutical companies to refrain from performing clinical trials in transplant medicine in the People’s Republic of China. Read more

Organ Harvesting in China

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