Friday, August 20, 2010

Unsolved Organ Harvesting in China: Manfred Nowak

Organ Harvesting in China
Epoch Times: Sept. 8, 2009 / Flashback - “The Chinese government has yet to come clean and be transparent,” says Manfred Nowak, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture. “It remains to be seen how it could be possible that organ transplant surgeries in Chinese hospitals have risen massively since 1999, while there are never that many voluntary donors available.”

In a 2005 trip to China that took Nowak 10 years of requests to the regime, he discovered that two-thirds of the torture cases reported in labor camps were Falun Gong practitioners.

Nowak said the number of practitioners in China is huge. “In spite of the persecution [it] has not diminished, but increased,” he said.

Nowak has submitted two reports to the U.N. Human Rights Council formally requesting the Chinese regime respond to the allegations. The report states, in part, that, “The [Falun Gong] practitioners were given injections to induce heart failure, and therefore were killed in the course of the organ harvesting operations or immediately thereafter.”

“Nothing seems to have changed for the better,” said Nowak. “We lack exact statistics. I cannot say if the situation has changed since I left China. But I have no reason to assume anything has turned for the better, because I have not had any such hints. The majority of the inmates in these [forced labor] camps were Falun Gong members. And that is so frightening, because none of these people were ever given the benefit of a trial. They were never charged.”

“Bloody Harvest” outlines extraordinarily short wait times for organs in China—one to two weeks for a liver compared with 32.5 months in Canada (median wait for 2003) as a further incriminating factor. Kilgour and Matas also present self-accusatory material from Chinese transplant centre Web sites that advertise the immediate availability of large numbers of organs from living donors. Organ price lists were available on Chinese hospital Web sites.

The Kilgour-Matas report includes evidence from a hospital Web site (now removed), that claims, from “January 2005 to now, we have done 647 liver transplants—12 of them done this week. The average waiting time is two weeks."

A chart also removed about the same time indicates that in 1998 the hospital completed only nine liver transplants—by 2005 it had completed fully 2248.

“Genocide has a specific background—ethnic, racist, or religious discrimination; in this case it could be religious discrimination. “[What the regime is doing] amounts to a systematic repression of a specific group of people for religious/political reasons, although the Chinese leadership has always denied this to be a religious movement.”

In a phone conversation with a Chinese doctor, an investigator posed as an interested transplant patient. After the doctor revealed that the organs come from prisons, the investigator asked:

M: "...and it was from healthy Falun Gong practitioners...?"

Lu: "Correct. We would choose the good ones because we assure the quality in our operation."

M: "That means you choose the organs yourself."

Lu: "Correct..."

M: "What if the chosen one doesn't want to have blood drawn?"

Lu: "He will for sure let us do it."

M: "How?"

Lu: "They will for sure find a way. What do you worry about? These kinds of things should not be of any concern to you. They have their procedures."

M: "Does the person know that his organ will be removed?"

Lu: "No, he doesn't."

The transcript of a conversation with a doctor at the Nanning City Minzu Hospital in Guangxi Autonomous Region on May 22, 2006 reads:

"Why is it easy for them [Guangzhou] to get [organs from Falun Gong practitioners]?

"Because they are an important institution. They contact the judicial system in the name of the whole university."

"Then they use organs from Falun Gong practitioners?

"Correct." …

"What you used before (organs from Falun Gong practitioners), were they from detention centre(s) or prison(s)?"

"From prisons."

"And it was from healthy Falun Gong practitioners…?"

"Correct. We would choose the good ones because we assure the quality in our operation."


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