Epoch Times: Reports of Anyuanding’s violent treatment of petitioners have circulated before.
A letter published by Chinese Human Rights Defenders, an NGO, originally written by Chongqing petitioners, says that children as young as 10 and old people aged 82, along with disabled individuals, were all locked in a room after having all their personal property confiscated.
Boxun.net, a website that focuses on human rights in China, says “Anyuanding specially prepared truncheons, cords, steel needles, handcuffs, shackles, high-voltage electric batons, leather whips, drugs and other instruments of torture, and set up a kind of ‘torture chamber’ for special force personal to deal with ‘unruly citizens who alienate themselves from the government.’”
This language may be particularly haunting to older petitioners: It is a variation on a slogan that was commonly used during the Cultural Revolution. Read more...
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